[ASMR] Welcome to the world of Uto?

Uto Ch. 天使うと




泡・耳かき・マッサージ・タッピング・パチパチ? Bubble,Earcleaning,Massage,Tapping,PachiPachi? ⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒ thumbnail illust @suzuhohotaru Thank you ⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒ Thank you for watching the stream! Thank you for your support. nyan I am studying English very hard, and I apologize if I use bad English. ⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒ ☁️おやくそく☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない ⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒ ☁ AmatsukaUto Officialsite ☁ https://amatsukauto.wixsite.com/amatsukauto ☁ Official Utopia Discord Server ☁ https://discord.gg/amatsukauto ☁ Viewer Rules ☁ - Be kind and respectful to others in the chat. - Don't talk about other streamers unless I mention them first. - Also, don't talk about me in the chat of other streamers. - Please don't talk about topics that are not related to the stream. - Please RBI (Report/Block/Ignore) any rule breakers or spammers and don't respond to them. ⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒ Twitter https://twitter.com/amatsukauto ⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒ ❀BGM❀ ❀桜餅ルナ様 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgTawCMmbf5TFUDboGyVC3Q ❀imataku Music様 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY5nquSmXCuw2iuIuOsXgkw ❀トーマス大森音楽工房様 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5DJL9DiUOXxv2Q1DMZNCUw ❀お借りしたカラオケ音源❀ ❀カラオケ歌っちゃ王様 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1tk9F5-MGXEq4LWnjmrtpA ❀生音風カラオケ屋様 https://www.youtube.com/user/BUMPsan ❀Hiroのピアノ伴奏アレンジ様 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWX2b3xIeJHoiNOPd9nTuKA ❀ハイカラサウンド/ Highkara Sound様 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFIAtyXz7XgNND_2GlE6t3A ❀夢見るカラオケ制作人様 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHKkjQDOJKBjuaLkuOm5kVA ⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒ My room Illustration @Nyan_McQ Ending illustration @nab0i Intro by @Blxnkkkk and team ⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒