【ASMR】Japanese Trigger Words Ear to Ear 日本語オノマトペを耳元で囁く

msayosy ASMR / まさよCのLipstick CHANNEL







* 00:13 ささやき (Whispering): Soft, quiet speech. * 01:21 たたく (Tapping): Lightly tapping objects. * 01:36 ぱちぱち (Soft Clapping): Light, soft clapping. * 01:40 こりこり or こすり (Scratching): Scratching sounds. * 01:57 しゅわしゅわ (Fizzing): Sound of fizz or bubbles. * 02:14 ねばねば (Slimy): Slimy or sticky sounds/feelings. * 02:37 じゅるじゅる (Slurping): Slurping liquids. * 02:54 くちゃくちゃ (Chewing): Chewing sounds. * 03:24 すりすり (Rubbing): Rubbing sounds. * 03:29 ぐにぐに (Squishing): Squishing soft materials. * 03:46 ひねひね (Twisting): Twisting objects. * 04:01 さくさく (Crisp): Crisp or crunchy sounds. * 04:19 ほんのり (Gently/Softly): Gentle or soft feelings/actions. * 04:42 とろとろ (Flowing): Flowing liquids. * 04:53 ぐるぐる (Spinning/Swirling): Spinning or swirling actions/sounds. * 05:11 ふわふわ (Fluffy): Soft, light, airy feelings/textures. * 05:29 きらきら (Sparkling): Shiny or sparkling appearances. * 05:41 ざらざら (Rough): Rough textures/sounds. * 06:08 ぴたぴた (Sticky): Sticky feelings/sounds. * 06:21 ゆらゆら (Swaying): Swaying or rocking actions/sounds. * 06:35 びしょびしょ (Wet): Wet sounds/feelings. * 06:50 ぼそぼそ (Dry/Crisp): Dry textures/sounds. * 06:56 かさかさ (Dry/Rustling): Dry, rustling sounds. * 07:24 ぎしぎし (Creaking): Creaking sounds. * 07:42 ごろごろ (Rolling): Rolling actions/sounds. * 07:26 じとじと (Damp): Damp feelings/sounds. * 08:14 ぴょんぴょん (Bouncing): Bouncing actions/sounds. * 08:29 どきどき (Heartbeat/Throbbing): Beating heart sounds/feelings. * 08:48 わくわく (Excited): Excitement or anticipation feelings. * 09:00 きんきん (Chilly/Tingling): Coldness or tingling sensations. * 09:12 きしきし (Creaking): Creaking, often of old or worn objects. * 09:32 ひそひそ (Whispering): Soft, quiet speech, similar to "ささやき". * 10:06 ちりちり (Tingling): Tingling sensations. * 10:11 さらさら (Rustling): Rustling sounds. * 10:16 ぎこぎこ (Grinding): Grinding or crunching sounds. * 10:36 ぽかぽか (Warm): Warm, cozy feeling. * 10:44 ぶるぶる (Shivering/Trembling): Shivering or trembling actions/feelings. * 11:19 もそもそ (Murmuring): Low, indistinct speech sounds. * 11:26 ぺろぺろ (Licking): Licking sounds/actions. * 12:06 ふくふく (Puffing): Puffing, like inflating or breathing heavily. * 12:15 ぐちゃぐちゃ (Squishing): Squishing or mashing sounds. * 12:37 ぱりぱり (Crackling): Crackling sounds. * 12:57 しんしん (Silence/Hushed): Silence or hushed environment. * 13:16 もみもみ (Kneading): Kneading actions/sounds. * 13:28 ぐずぐず (Dawdling): Dawdling or delaying actions. * 13:49 ぽろぽろ (Trickling): Trickling sounds/actions. * 14:06 ひくひく (Twitching): Twitching actions/feelings. * 14:24 すべすべ (Smooth): Smooth feelings/appearances. * 14:48 ざわざわ (Rustling/Buzzing): Rustling leaves or buzzing crowd sounds. おかえり 君が見に来てくれるから 私はユーチューブを続けられます ありがとう まさ推しになってね "Welcome back. Because you come to watch, I can keep up with YouTube. Thank you. Become a Masa supporter!" 年内チャンネル登録者30万人目指して活動しているので応援よろしくお願いします Help me reach 300,000 subscribers by the end of the year! I appreciate your support on this exciting journey. Thank you! バイノーラルマイクで録音してるのでヘッドフォンでお聞きください I'm recording with a binaural microphone, so please listen with headphones. おかえりなさい!Lipstick CHANNEL ASMRのまさよしです。私はASMRを中心に、みなさんをリラックスさせ、最高の眠りを提供することを目指しています。日本でASMRをメジャーにすることが私の夢です。 実は、世界ではASMRという言葉は広く知られていましたが、日本ではまだまだ普及していませんでした。ですから、皆さんの応援がまさよしにとって何よりも重要です。あなたの応援が力になりますので、ぜひ応援してください。 チャンネル登録100万人目指して頑張ります welcome home! This is Masayoshi from Lipstick CHANNEL ASMR. I focus on ASMR, aiming to make you relax and provide the best sleep. My dream is to make ASMR major in Japan. Actually, the word ASMR was widely known in the world, but it was not yet popular in Japan. So your support is the most important thing for Masayoshi. Your support will give us strength, so please support us. I will do my best to aim for 1 million subscribers まさ推しになってね I Truly Thank You For Your Support! Please subscribe to my channel!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVcBzbRDZe2_Cv3HDbee5yA?sub_confirmation=1 Support me Patreon https://www.patreon.com/Lipstickchanel Become a channel member for exclusive features! Check it out here: Join member (special videos, 특별영상, 特別映像): Members will show your name at the end of the video https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVcBzbRDZe2_Cv3HDbee5yA/join Click here for sub-channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU3jM-RTfwUahA7Z5j052swCarpe diem I look forward to the day you meet twitter https://twitter.com/arisugawanike facebook https://www.facebook.com/masayoshi.kobayashi instagram https://www.instagram.com/masayoc_asmr/ mail nike2036@gmail.com 私が経営している スマイルフィットネススタジオ https://smilefitness.jimdo.com/ ※私のアマゾンへのリンクURLはAmazonアソシエイトのリンクを使用しています。 #音フェチ #ASMR #まさよし#睡眠 私の夢は君に会うこと♥ 私の美容室 全国からシャンプー・カットしに来てくれます ファンレターはこちらのお店に送ってもらうと 届きます  リップスティックビューティーサロン https://lipstick-beautysalon.jimdo.com/ ライン@は只今1:1トーク(チャット)できます 限界があるので急げ お店のLINE@ ID検索 @lipstickbs ラインアカウント http:// nav.cx/6N2LrQT