5 Minute [asmr] Medical RP FAST!

The Laughing Heart [ asmr ]




5 Minute [asmr] Medical RP FAST! Like this video? Try this: 5 MINUTE EYE EXAM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2NHgXR8rzs&t=3s Hey, my friends! This is the next in the short video series I'm doing this week. It's all part of my quest for World Domination ( well, YouTube domination ). If I reach 100k subs by the end of this month, I'll take you all out en masse for a night on the town. And I'm buying. Tell me what your drink is in the comments so I can give the barperson a heads up :-) Keep your collective fingers crossed for me, and be sure to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE (if you haven't already) and SHARE! Thanks so much. You're the best bunch of followers anyone could hope for. :-) Come and say hi: Twitter: https://twitter.com/LaughHeartASMR Insta: https://www.instagram.com/thelaughingheartasmr/