





▼サブチャンネルも更新中✨ぜひ遊びに来てください💓 相談室&雑談:https://www.youtube.com/@hiromivoice-room 囁き朗読:https://www.youtube.com/@WhisperingReading_hiromivoice ▼Twitterでボイスツイート流してます🕊️よろしければフォローお願いします♡ https://twitter.com/__hiromivoice__ そのまま寝落ちできるよう、小声でいろんなお話をします😴誰かと話したいなぁ、ちょっと寂しいな、、そんな時にお気軽に寄ってください✨今日も一日本当におつかれさまでした☺️🫶 ▼コメントについて ✔︎Super Chat , Super Stiker などは優先的に読ませていただきます✨ ✔︎時間のあるかぎり、全てのコメントを読ませていただきます💌が、たまに追いつかず軽いお返事になってしまったり、読めないこともあるのでご了承ください🙇‍ ✔︎誹謗中傷やセクハラ、反社に関わることはスルーまたはブロックさせていただきます。 お悩み相談室&雑談チャンネル(小声・地声好きな方にもおすすめ) https://www.youtube.com/@hiromivoice-room 囁き朗読チャンネル https://www.youtube.com/@WhisperingReading_hiromivoice 【健康増進のためのオススメ】※PRではありません。 A. サプリ①(青汁より飲みやすく、どのサプリよりも体軽くなる) https://amzn.to/3moePk9 B. サプリ②(イライラしている時、元気でない時飲むとスッキリする) https://amzn.to/3zL8h2j C. サプリ③(子供と一緒に鉄分補給。確かにイライラしにくくなった) https://amzn.to/3zPIeGY D. ストレッチ(この中の1つでもやっとけば身体楽になる) https://amzn.to/3zO6U2U E. 風邪ひきやすい方、喉痛めやすい方、喉の詰まりが気になる方はぜひ一度読んでいただきたい本。 https://amzn.to/3Mtig3K F. 首の運動(後鼻漏が気になる方へ) https://youtu.be/NIxflLJfcJ0 G. 鼻うがいキット(手洗いうがいに加えてこれしとけば風邪引かないかも?というくらい優秀) https://amzn.to/43l2MVv I will talk about various things in a whisper so that you can fall asleep 😴Please feel free to drop by when you need someone to talk to or feel a little lonely ✨ About the comments ✔︎Super Chat, Super Stiker, etc. will be read with priority ✨. ✔︎We will read all comments as long as we have time 💌, but please understand that sometimes we may not be able to catch up and respond lightly or even read them. 🙇‍ ✔︎We will not respond to comments that are slanderous, sexually harassing, or anti-corporate in any way. Feel free to stop by when you need someone to talk to or are feeling a little lonely ✨ Thank you so much for another great day. ☺️🫶 About ▼Comments ✔︎Super Chat and others will be read with priority ✨ ✔︎We will read all comments as long as we have time 💌, but please understand that sometimes we can't keep up with them and may not be able to reply or read them lightly 🙇♀️ ✔︎I will go through or block anything that is slanderous, sexually harassing, or anti-company. Thank you for watching ✨We are making various videos centered around [voice] with the motto "A moment of relaxation" 🍀We are aiming for 100,000 subscribers to our channel, so if you would like to support us, we would be very happy to hear from you! https://www.youtube.com/c/HiromiVoice?sub_confirmation=1