ASMR Scratching Machine 2
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Genevieve's ASMR channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ASMRwithGenevieveAngelson Genevieve's website (her written work): https://www.genevieveangelson.com/ Hello! I hope you all have been well, as well as you can be. This is a sudden upload. I'm not sure if the video is as relaxing as my other videos since I was focused on answering Genevieve's questions and being heard than trying to give tingles. Thank you to Genevieve for the well-thought out questions and for being so supportive over a whole decade. Also, thank you Gen for initiating this and helping me make and edit videos again because I missed it more than I realised. Stay safe! See you sometime in the near future :) I'll be uploading the second part of this interview Friday this week! Love, Nicole / Pigsbum53 ASMR Timeline 3:30 How old were you when you started your videos? 6:25 Do you regret some of the things you said or made? Do you think kids will regret making the content they make when they're younger? 7:35 Why do you think you were so successful? 8:39 Physically revealing vs. emotionally revealing 11:00 Tipping point with channel 12:01 Boundaries and privacy on YouTube and personal life 14:05 Fear of judgement and desire to be accepted 14:50 Would you change your YouTube name to something else? 15:52 How often does YouTube come up in your professional or personal life? 17:28 Eating disorder recovery journey & updates 21:20 Why did you stop making videos 22:30 What does your partner think about your ASMR channel? 23:42 ASMRtists I currently listen to 24:53 Current partner and Spirituality 25:49 2021 Favourites lol ✨ Please like the video if you enjoyed it! It helps with recommending my videos on people's subscriptions feed as well as helping me know what kind of content you guys prefer :) ✨ 영상을 즐기셨으면 *~좋아요~* 눌러주시면 많은 도움이 되요! 제 영상이 구독자 feed에 더 나오게 되고, 여러분이 어떤 컨텐츠를 더 즐기시는지 저한테도 많은 도움이 됩니다! :) + Non-ASMR Channel: https://goo.gl/GOzFqK + Twitter: https://twitter.com/nicolesupark/ + Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicolesupark/ (personal) https://www.instagram.com/pigsbum53asmr/ (ASMR related) + TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pigsbum53asmr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? DISCOUNT CODES These benefit you as well as me on the apps! No small print :) GoPuff: $20 of free goPuff! https://gopuff.com/r/GOYMJYB8X Lyft: For $5 in ride credit, download the Lyft app using my referral link. https://www.lyft.com/i/NICOLE18253?utm_medium=p2pi_iacc ?If you would like to help add subtitles for my videos please use this link below? 섭타이틀 도와주시고 싶으신분들 밑에 링크? 쓰시면 제 채널이랑 구독자들한테 많이 도움이됩니다! Contribution 감사드립니다! (both ENG ⇆ KRN) http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UC7QNSs_NfuvoYh1cI_5XM_A&tab=2 ?Thank you so much for contributing to my channel and videos. So many people will be able to enjoy the videos better thanks to you!? Emails and inquires are appreciated at/ 이메일 혹 질문들은 여기로: pigsbum53@gmail.com ( ◑‿◑)ɔ┏?--?┑٩(^◡^ ) If you've made it this far, thank you!!! asmr, 에이에스엠알, Q&A, whisper, soft spoken, pigsbum53, genevieve angelson, eating disorder, spirituality, sleep, insomnia, relaxation, relaxing voice, tingles