ASMR EDIBLE TOWEL CREPE CAKE, TOOTHBRUSH CHOCOLATE 크레이프 케이크 초콜릿 리얼사운드 먹방 노토킹 チョコレートミルクレープを食べる音 咀嚼音







WEIRD FOOD ASMR EDIBLE TOWEL CREPE CAKE, TOOTHBRUSH CHOCOLATE 크레이프 케이크 초콜릿 리얼사운드 먹방 노토킹 チョコレートミルクレープを食べる音 咀嚼音 food prank, bathroom prank, Eating crepe cake with hands, big bites, Eating Sounds, Eating food, Fun food, food asmr, asmr video, makan makan, asmr eating sounds, no talking asmr, no talking mukbang, 吃播, 療愈吃播, 助眠吃播, asmr dessert, eating show, asmr eating, mukbang korean, asmr 이팅사운드, asmr mukbang, eating, big bites asmr, satisfying eating sounds, comfort food, Abbey ASMR, Abbey Fam Credit for intro video: Rb Graphics Plz enjoy this video with headphones on and watch at your own risk cuz this is an ASMR video ^_^ **************************************************************** My name is Abbey and I love eating and sharing food. I'm really into watching and making ASMR videos, I hope they can bring you joy and relaxation sensation! This video has been edited and all the noises were edited out. Don’t forget to give this video a thumbs-up and subscribe for more :) Hello我是Abbey,我愛分享美食和美好的ASMR咀嚼音,如果這些美味的聲音給你帶來的感覺很舒服很放鬆️,別忘記按?和訂閱我的頻道唷!我會繼續分享更多美食、美好的聲音給你們^_^ 還有喔,要記得按鈴鐺?,才會有我的推播通知! What is ASMR? Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is an experience characterized by a static-like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. It has been compared with auditory-tactile synesthesia. #FoodPrank #BathroomPrank #edibletowel #weirdfood #crepecakeasmr #chocolateasmr #edibletoothbrush #eatingcrepecakes #eatingchocolate #chocolateeatingsounds #cakeeatingsounds #crepecakeeatingsounds #asmrEdible #크레이프케이크 #크레이프케이크먹방 #초콜릿먹방 #チョコレート #ミルクレープ #チョコレートを食べる音 #ミルクレープを食べる音 #AbbeyASMR #AbbeyFam #Eatingfood #FoodASMR #FunFood #EatingSounds #Mesmerizing #NoTalkingASMR #ASMREating #ASMRSounds #ASMRArtist #ASMRcommunity #Notalkingmukbang #咀嚼音 #食べる音 #리얼사운드먹방 #ASMR #ASMRmukbang #おいしい #먹방 #ASMRfood #EatingShow #EatingSounds #吃播 #吃秀 #助眠吃播 #療愈吃播 #ASMREatingNoTalking