? 環境音 睡眠 | 熟睡できる船の音【 ASMR 熟睡 】


出航です It's time to sail.
星が動き出し夢の海域へ The stars are moving in the waters of dreams.


2020/09/01 13:05

【睡眠専用.ch】眠れる森 365日あなたの睡眠を快適にサポート







環境音 睡眠 熟睡できる船の音 |ベッドに入ったのに眠れない…。これほどもどかしい時間はありません。そんな時はこの船に乗ってそっと夢への航海にでましょう。いろんなことが頭を巡っても、プォーンプォーンと繰り返す船の音がだんだんとあなたを夢の海域へと誘います。ぐっすり眠ってより良い明日にしましょうね。それでは出航時間です! おやすみなさい?✨ 00:00 出航です It's time to sail. 1:33:00 星が動き出し夢の海域へ The stars are moving in the waters of dreams. ●3分~3時間で心地よく眠りにつけることを目指した環境音動画です。 ●入眠時間は個人差があります。 睡眠用BGM, 眠れる 曲, リラックス, 勉強用, 作業用 など目的に合わせてお使いください。 ?チャンネル登録はこちら あなたの眠りを365日快適にサポートします。 http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbfFwk8Qfr1R2xjjEHbIWgw?sub_confirmation=1 ✅眠れる森の優しい音楽 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWUMakNqCBmadOZKpiDKcYDSaSt2SubQE ✅眠れる森のピアノ曲 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWUMakNqCBmYIIJ3-ejMNZO_G2KC_PJbr ✅眠れる森の幻想曲 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWUMakNqCBma3tUyEyT_yvlW9l-TLv3US ✅Twitter 睡眠に関することをたま〜に発信。 https://twitter.com/Suiminsenyo365 ?当チャンネルの音楽・環境音は私(Ryan)のオリジナル曲及びオリジナルアレンジ、オリジナルレコーディングです。 ※一部の映像はフリー素材及び正規ライセンスを取得した上で新しくオリジナル映像を制作しています。 画像素材: https://unsplash.com https://www.pond5.com/ #音量は少し小さいかなと感じる程度がおすすめです [ Dream voyage by ship - 3 Hours Sound Sleep - Soothing Sounds for Relaxation and Sleep / ASMR ?] I can't sleep after getting into bed. There has never been a more frustrating time to be in bed. Let's get on this ship and gently sail away to the voyage of dreams. Even though many things are going through your mind, the sound of the ship gradually leads you to the dream world. Now it's time to sail. It's time to sail. This video is recommended for those who can't sleep, have insomnia, study music, or just want to relax. Gentle music and beautiful images for your mind and body. Use this video for your purposes, whether it's for fatigue, stress relief, sleep or work. [How to use for better] 1. Please imagine : You take a deep breath. Every time you breathe, you could drop all events in your daytime and your obsession. Your mind and body would be lighten. 2. It is good to play small sound before you go to bed and set screen brightness dark mode. 3. You don’t have to see this screen, but you just have your image in your mind. 4. Your mind and body just keep relying on this sound and could release all your concerns. I will be happy if I help you to find your best music to fall asleep. Close your eyes and leave everything which happened today. You feel it flying beyond the sound. ?Please Subscribe http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbfFwk8Qfr1R2xjjEHbIWgw?sub_confirmation=1 ✅Recommended calm music is here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWUMakNqCBmadOZKpiDKcYDSaSt2SubQE ✅Recommended piano music is here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWUMakNqCBmYIIJ3-ejMNZO_G2KC_PJbr ✅Recommended dream music is here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWUMakNqCBma3tUyEyT_yvlW9l-TLv3US I made original music and sound scapes videos for this channel. - Ryan. Japan, composer for relaxing music. This video uses a license-free image or a legally licensed image. Stock Image : https://unsplash.com https://www.pond5.com/