ASMR Mystery Medical Illness Otoscope Exam







You have a mystery illness and only Dr. Andrew Michaels can diagnose it, but he needs your help and your permission to carry out a complete medical exam. Using his Otoscope, medical knowledge and skill, we will not only diagnose this strange mystery illness, but we will also learn a lot about mineral oil. This video is a tribute to my dear friend Jellybean Green ASMR, and her wonderful Otoscope asmr videos. I watch them all the time and this is not the first time I have mentioned her work. Please stop by and subscribe to her today at: Tinglecon is this weekend check it out at: Watch Tinglecon on Twitch at: I did an exclusive artistic video for Tinglecon this year, you can only see it there, and it's a re-imagining of "MOTO MOTO ASMR" done with Liquid Light Show added to it. I really hope you'll try to spot it during the convention. I added the "CAMP ASMR" shirt, and several other new items to my Tee Spring Store, so check that out if you're interested. CAMP ASMR is coming in July, 2021. Don't forget to Subscribe, Up Vote, Comment, and Share this episode. It helps so much. People tell me they hit the notification bell and still do not see my videos, so everything you do to promote my channel helps. Filmed on my Sony a5100 camera with a 35mm prime lens at 60fps. The introduction animation was by : Open Animation by Sam Mercer Sam has also started his own Youtube channel to promote his work at:​... Please stop by if you can and subscribe to show support. The intro music was by Jason Shaw of Used with full permission. CAMP ASMR 3: Scary Campfire Stories Podcast, audio only, free to download. Please rate and share. Thanks.