【ASMR】オノマトペか行 (囁き声) ♡ Japanese Trigger Words (Onomatopoeia)




今日の動画はオノマトペのか行を囁きました。チャンネル登録者さんからのリクエストでした! リクエストありがとうございます!そしておまたせしました。。 おやすみなさい。💛 もしよかったら、高評価、チャンネル登録お願い致します! Today I tried Japanese onomatopoeia words. Today was just for words beginning with k sound. Thank you to my sunscriber who requested this and I hope you enjoyed. Goodnight world.🌍💖 English Channel↓ https://youtube.com/channel/UCnQRFGKopqJwSV5cQ9bFaGA Instagram↓ https://www.instagram.com/liana_banana_2/ Today I tried Japanese onomatopoeia words. Today was just for words beginning with k sound. Thank you to my sunscriber who requested this and I hope you enjoyed. Goodnight world.🌍💖 About me↓ Hello👋🏻💗 My name is Liana, and I upload Japanese and English ASMR videos. I always relax with a whispered ASMR video, so I thought I'd make my own and share it with others. If you are interested in Japan or want to learn Japanese please check them out. I want to make videos that my audience wants to see, so if you have any requests please let me know in the comments. Also please subscribe to my channel! 🙏🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/liana_banana_2/ 自己紹介↓ はじめまして。リアナです❣️ 私はプライベートでいつもASMRの囁き声の動画をみて落かせてもらっていますので、自分のを作って他の人も落ち着かせたいなと思いました。海外に興味ある方や英語を勉強したい方は是非みてみてください。🙏🏻 インスタ:https://www.instagram.com/liana_banana_2/ #ASMR #asmr #ASMRwhispering #asmrwhispering #asmrjapanese #ASMRjapanese #japaneseASMR #japaneseasmr #japanesewhispering #whisperingjapanese # #tascam #asmrJapanese #asmrwhispers #ASMRwhispers #japanesewhispers