





【#ASMR】【#vtuber】【#relax】【100時間カレー】 ⋈ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・⋈ 〖ここは君の居場所だよ💙〗 〖This is your whereabouts💙〗 ⋈ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・⋈ 100時間カレー様とコラボ商品販売ページ 【https://100hcurry.com/product/kokoha01/】 100時間カレー公式HP:https://100hourscurry.jp 100時間カレー公式通販:https://100hcurry.com ⋈ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・⋈ 雑談しながらASMRしてます💗 まったり癒されていって下さいね💖 お話しながらのASMRなので 音のみ聞きたい方は、すみません💦 Hello, my name is Roni! I'm doing ASMR talking, which means I will speak while doing ASMR! I'm very sorry、but only listening to my ASMR sounds is not possible! I am streaming on Youtube, Twitcast and SHOWROOM at the same time. Twitcast and SHOWROOM are both japanese streamingsites! Please relax and get healed! I can only speak and read Japanese, but I welcome all foreign viewers! I hope everyone can enjoy my stream! Please feel free to write comments! ⋈ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・⋈ Twitter→https://twitter.com/Xxx_RONI_xxX ツイキャス→https://twitcasting.tv/c:xxronixx bilibili→https://space.bilibili.com/91352 SHOWROOM→https://www.showroom-live.com/1f9f44832147?r=380c7f31 ⋈ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・⋈ BGM FUJINEQo Music様 https://www.youtube.com/c/FUJINEQoMusic imataku Music様 https://www.youtube.com/@imatakumusic ⋈ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・⋈ ※ゲームの生放送や歌の生放送は 主にビリビリで配信しています。〖https://space.bilibili.com/91352〗 稀にCASで生放送もします。〖https://twitcasting.tv/c:xxronixx〗 ※Game live broadcasts and song live broadcasts are... I mainly distribute on bilibili〖https://space.bilibili.com/91352〗 Rarely, we also broadcast live on twitcasting〖https://twitcasting.tv/c:xxronixx〗 #ASMR #binaural #3dio #立体音響 #癒し #雑談 #安らぎ #睡眠誘導 #バイノーラル#心羽ろに #100時間カレー #精神安定