tapping&tok sen wood hammer music with drums

Tok Senトークセン




Hit it with tapping&tok sen mallet to the sound of the drums.Please enjoy the music played with a hammer. Thai traditional massage tok sen is also known as mallet therapy.This is a so-called hammer massage.It is said to be a treatment method that is effective for pain in joints, etc. by hitting the muscles and tendons that are stretched to relieve muscle tension. In addition, tok sen seems to have the effect of relaxing the mind with its unique sound and rhythm.It is often used by Indian barber asmr. トークセンブログ トークセン(木槌療法)タイ古式マッサージとASMR https://yururin.jp/blog/ トークセンが買えるのはこちら https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B08RW4TTM5/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_s4ycGbZBKKS7X https://www.mercari.com/jp/u/620254400/ #toksen#tapping#hammermassage