?Yu's ASMR Live!? Tingles Guaranteed or Your Money Back ^.^




Yikes.. April flew by. May's already here o.o Lots of you are probably graduating soon, so if you already did, congratulations! I hope you're looking forward to your "next step", whatever that may be. Life has a funny way of opening up a path to you if you look hard enough, so never give up on something that you're passionate about :D Kinks and Links \/\/\/\/\/ Stream Schedule: Rekken: 12:30am JST (Technically Sunday morning, but Saturday night) Yu: 12:30am JST (Technically Monday morning, but Sunday night) M U S I C https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-J6X59TN2Sg (: D O N A T E :) (feed us) - BIGGEST D: Kenboy58 Runner Up: Jayster141 https://streamlabs.com/rekken2001 https://www.patreon.com/rekken200 https://paypal.me/Rekken200 :D C O N N E C T :P https://twitter.com/rekken200 https://discord.gg/f6qMuHb https://www.instagram.com/rekken200/ DESKTOP BACKGROUND ;) https://alpha.wallhaven.cc/wallpaper/506047 (by Sazame)