【咀嚼音】巨大唐揚げダージーパイを爆食する|ASMR|Eating Sounds|飯テロ








字幕ONでテロップが流れます💬 0:00 🍗1枚め 2:14 🍗2枚め 7:15 🍗3枚め 生理前の食欲爆発です。 ウーバーイーツで台湾鶏排(ジーパイ)を頼みました。 飲み物は濃厚バナナミルクです。 以前も頼んだことがあって、その時すごくザクザクで台湾的なスパイスが効いて美味しかったので同じお店に注文。 そしたら今回は配達員の方がなかなか決まらず、かなり時間が経ってから遠い所にいた配達員さんが遠路はるばる駆けつけてくれました🏍🍗ありがとうございます! 届いたの開けてみたら巨大唐揚げたち、サウナ入ってきた?ってくらいべちょべちょのしなしなになってた😂 これはもう撮影止めて普通に食べるかと一瞬思ったけどトースターで温めなおしたらなんとか復活を遂げてくれました。 熱々ジューシーな唐揚げって感じで美味しかったです! 3枚注文して、本当はオリジナルと旨辛と甘梅って全部違う味のはずもトースターで温めたらどれがどれかほぼ分からなくなってしまいました(笑) あのスパイスをもう一度味わいたかった! もし次に食べる時は手作りの台湾風シーパイに挑戦してみたいです! おすすめ動画[Recommended Video] https://youtu.be/KqfdNBYYSos ♡チャンネル登録[subscribe] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClJ_lB0_jKD1UmQ9AOsFMSQ ♬TikTok https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJvaNCaS/ I have a premenstrual appetite explosion. I ordered the giant Taiwanese fried chicken at Uber Eats. I had ordered it before, and it was very crunchy and tasty with Taiwanese spices, so I ordered it from the same restaurant. This time, the delivery guy was late finding me, and after quite some time, the delivery guy who was far away came all the way to the store. When I opened the package, I found that the giant fried chicken pieces were soaking wet and clammy, as if they had been prepared in a sauna. I thought for a moment that I was going to stop taking pictures and just eat them as normal, but after reheating them in the toaster, they managed to come back to life. They were so juicy and delicious! I ordered 3 pieces and they were all supposed to have different flavors, the original, the deliciously spicy, and the sweet plum, but when I heated them up in the toaster, the surface burned and the flavors almost disappeared lol. I wish I could have tasted that spice again! Next time I eat Taiwanese fried chicken, I want to try making it by hand! #asmr #mukbang #eatingsounds