2020/06/10 14:12
るり Ruri ASMR
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2019/07/23 08:00
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2023/06/25 19:30
Chinese food Asmr
2021/02/08 01:40
??Pit Bulls eat Exotic RAW????FROG LEG&?Asian Pear combo [ASMR] MUKBANG 犬が生の肉を食べる[咀嚼音] Dog VLOG | Premium RAW | Specie Appropriate Diet for Canines | RAW feeding | B.A.R.F diet | Dog Eating like a Wolf / Canine Ancestor | PMR | Prey Model Role diet | Balance Diet | Exotic RAW Food ?Caution: *Do not attempt the techniques you are about to see without consulting a professional.? ingredients: ??Frog Legs ?Chontacuros: Coconut Worms ?Day Old Baby Chicks ?Chicken Mid Wings ?Beef GreenTripe ?Beef Lung ?♥️Duck Hearts ?Asian Pear *We do exercise routine??? ?WATER : Raw apple cider vinegar + Extra Virgin Olive Oil in the water, so the drinking water becomes tasty but still healthy. ??❗️WARNING! ?NEVER feed COOKED bones ?NEVER feed RAW Marrow bones, Weight bearing bones of big animals and Machine cut bones because they are Teeth Breakers ??? ?*RAW diet is hi-protein so sufficient drinking water consumption is necessary, regarding to help kidney to reduce excessive workload. ?Raw diet eating dogs should eat the raw food before finishing the drinking water, in order to have more effective digestion because too much water during the raw meal can full the stomach and having less space for the food which causes vomiting and stomach discomfort. ?feeding: once a day (after ~12 month old) and a fastday (no feeding day) once a week. Amount of feeding basically based on their ideal condition body weights which Oliang is heavier than nomyen, when nomyen got the same amount as Oliang means she is being spoiled. ⚖️*Ideal condition body weights: ?Oliang = 21.5 kg ?nomyen = 20 kg ?The ranking position in our pack the owner is a boss (Alpha leader), Oliang is a Beta and nomyen is an Omega. Naturally, dog packs have Hierarchy to maintain healthy packs. Dogs don't care who is under or above but if they are confused, they will challenge each other and that is a fight! ..and when the powerful breeds from Pit Bull family are turning ON their fight mode, it is not gonna be very pretty ? The gears i am using: Multiple slot stainless steel plate (food grade) from Shopee iPhone XS MAX 512 gb ▶️??????????????✨?????????????? ?musics: Fun_Activity_Montage.mp3 Lullaby.mp3 Love_Now.mp3 Morning_Walk.mp3 #ASMR #rawfeeding #oliangandnomyenTV 動物の咀嚼音 ▶️ https://www.youtube.com/c/OliangandnomyenTV 狗吃生肉, 개가 날고기를 먹는다, 犬が生の肉を食べる, สุนัขกินอาหารสดดิบ, 動物 asmr | [咀嚼音] fb : O&n club https://www.facebook.com/oliangandnomyen ig : OliangandnomyenTV https://www.instagram.com/oliangandnomyentv TikTok : OliangandnomyenTV shop: https://teespring.com/stores/oliang-and-nomyen-tv-2