1 HOUR ASMR 😴☁️ TINGLY Camera Tapping for sleep (looped)

Fufu Flutters ASMR [푸푸 플러터]




1 hour asmr video! Looped camera tapping, nail sounds and absolute relaxation ~ I don’t always find my videos tingly, but this is for sure 😎 93.4% of my viewers aren’t subscribed! So if you liked this video, please consider hitting the sub button 💕 My socials: https://linktr.ee/_SUAN_ Fufu Army Discord (^ᴗ^)۶ https://discord.gg/GtrB7mqUPJ Fufu Tip Jar: absolutely no pressure to give!! Only if you’re able & willing 💕 https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=UD2SMRL6SA28W Fufu’s wishlist: https://throne.me/u/fufumochii Join my Patreon (´꒳`)♡ CLOSED http://patreon.com/fufufluttersasmr