2020/10/26 14:55
2023/09/15 22:00
지수 ASMR Jisu
2020/01/13 15:26
2022/03/20 22:00
2022/11/04 23:08
2019/06/22 10:00
Cuppacat ASMR
2024/09/10 20:02
Mariko's ASMR まりこちゃんねる
2020/10/13 22:50
2023/03/25 20:00
Starling ASMR - Makeup and Beauty
2022/12/25 05:33
Hello Everyone :) Hope You're doing really well there - ! It has been a while since I uploaded my last video - I've missed you all - ! :) So, Today I'm going to help you get your Own Personal Color and after that we are going to Create your Own Personalized Cosmetics such as blush and lipstick ! Yayyyy :D Actually It took me so long to be done with this video. Because I had no idea about Personal color things so, I had to study about it for a while ( But still remain amateur lol ) and then had to work on my script to be translated into English .. and practice... :p It wasn't that easy for me when it comes to this personal color thing video which was also new to me lol :) But I had a really fun time while I was shooting the video by creating something and destroying my old lipstick which was so satisfied..And also those remind me of playing house that I used to do when I was a little girl :) I did my best as much as I can so I hope you really enjoy this with me ♥ + You'll find me being so clumsy and silly on this video ;D Lol Anyway ! I love you all ! ♥ + the question part 2 of personal color test has been deleted by my mistake in the video... :) The question was 'If you have any redness on your face or not..' Please kindly understand this....♡ * I'd really appreciate the help getting my videos to be more accessible to people from all around the world ! ♥ :) ▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽ https://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=w1QS3szqa7c&ref=share 안녕하세요 여러분 혜랑입니다 :) 오랜만에 영상을 들고 온 것 같아요 - 여행을 잘 다녀오고, 쉴 수 있을 때엔 또 쉬고 그러고 있답니다 :) 오늘 영상에서는 제가 여러분의 퍼스널컬러를 진단해 드리고 그것을 바탕으로 여러분만의 화장품도 만들어 드릴거예요 :) ! 사실 제가 퍼스널컬러에 대한 지식이 없어서 공부도 해야했고 (여전히 서툴고 모르겠지만..ㅎㅎ) 준비물도 필요하고, 스크립트도 짜느라 이번 영상은 참 시간이 많이 소비 되었어요 - 그래서 힘들기도 했지만, 하면서 마치 어렸을 때 소꿉놀이를 하는 기분이라 재밌게도 촬영했습니다 :) 그렇지만, 이 영상에서는 아주 서툴고, 덤벙대는 퍼스널컬러 진단사를 만나게 되실거예요 :D.... ?? 여름이 오고 있어요 - 저는 에어컨을 틀기 시작했고, 수박이 정말 아주많이 생각나고 있어요 - 전 고향집에 또 내려왔으므로 아빠가 수박을 사오실테고 전 그 수박을 아주 맛있게 얼음 동동 띄우고 먹을거예요 ! :D 그럼 여러분, 시원한 밤, 굿나잇 되기를 바랄게요 :) 굿바암 - ♥ + 한국어 자막은 지금 작업중이라 아직 끝까지 완료는 못했지만, 얼른해서 마치도록 할게요 :) !