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This is what happens when you watch too much ASMR videos. It influences your real life. Everything you touch becomes a trigger. And when you cook, oh yeah, oh yeah, you try to make 100 triggers in 10 minutes, because you love to hear different trigger sounds. You do some tapping on cups, you cut your vegetables slowly, you scratch your cork coaster, you touch everything in the kitchen just for the pleasure of creating ASMR in your REAL LIFE. Let's talk a bit about this ASMR video. I have been wanting to make an ASMR in real life video for month. I almost started to film a few times but never got the energy to do it, thinking about all of the work it would take to take and then edit the video. But, one or two weeks ago, I stumbled upon the video called "ASMR 100 TRIGGERS IN 4 MINUTES PART 2" from the wonderfully creative artist called Moona. That was it. I needed to stop procrastinating thinking about all of the work to be done. I needed to stop thinking about making the perfect video and JUST DO IT. I think the raw footage of this video is approximately one hour long. I might also upload it later as it might serve as a "background noise" video, for those of you who would like to listen to cooking sounds as well as regular asmr trigger sounds. I hadn't planned on making a meal at all, to say the truth. It just happened like this. I have also recorded the eating part and should be uploading the video three days after this very video you are watching now. It is also going to be my first mukbang in English. A kind of friendly "let's eat together" video. In the present video, you can hear a lot of different sounds: cooking sounds, water sound, boiled water sounds, tapping, scratching, glass sounds, lid opening and closing, some whispering, plastic sounds and a few others. Before uploading this ASMR video, I've tried to listen to it before going to bed. Some water sounds were too strong so I've lowered the sound. After listening to it while being a bit sleepy, I think that this video is relaxing and should help you fall asleep. A last note: I needed to do something different as recently I've been doing a lot of similar videos and feel happy with it. Sometimes, one should avoid looking for perfection and just do whatever make him/her happy. Thanks for reading this and thanks for watching this video. Good night, friends! :) Oh, by the way, I wrote it in the video but a big big thank you to YOU who have decided to support me on YouTube (and became a "member"): 김세희 Eriskay A. 심빙캠요우무 David P. ExtremSquad Oficial Atsushi K smin스민 위밴드수술할돈이 어딨니 ? awesome possum mr Saturnin Savannah C. If you would like to support my channel, you can join too! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaVRk90IytEpDyw9hWNlq6g/join === SUBSCRIBE, it's free: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaVRk90IytEpDyw9hWNlq6g?sub_confirmation=1 === You can support me through Paypal: https://goo.gl/LdTF3W === Social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pierregasmr2017/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PierreG-ASMR-148873662292831/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/pierregasmr === ASMR videos Playlist: French: https://goo.gl/Y6IdN7 Japanese: https://goo.gl/jF7ejM Korean: https://goo.gl/1OIMJS English: https://goo.gl/C861LY 100 triggers in 10 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxO_OLJ5J2U&list=PLP6OgESYfxTv_f-e1i69bt3_WwT2dkXoh ASMR in 50+ languages: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLmeLUUf7Rc&list=PLP6OgESYfxTuSDi9G4DEESckvxGOfRqpR ASMR Triggers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QS4Yfq1e5I&list=PLP6OgESYfxTvJpZdfj3d947Jy8SkaaWFK #asmr #RealLife #triggers