2022/02/07 15:00
2023/03/11 22:12
トイズラインToys Line
2023/05/13 15:00
Choco Ch. 癒月ちょこ
2021/07/13 11:48
2022/03/19 20:00
Marble Vo-chan
2024/09/27 16:00
Kefilia ケフィリア【秘密垢】
2022/01/18 01:04
ASMR Majestic
2021/11/07 17:20
2025/01/22 21:01
2024/04/08 21:30
Hello Hello, Two days ago when I finished shooting this video I was very satisfied and ready to clean up all the mess that I had done. I felt as if I had just come back from Sahara desert after having a serious fight with a bunch of angry camels. The sand was literally everywhere. It is not as bad as you think - I was telling to myself. Unfortunately the mess was nothing in comparison to what happened in the next day. Recording studio tidied up, I'm well-rested and ready to edit. I made myself comfortable and then started moving all of the raw footage to the timeline. If only you could see my face when I realised there is no audio in the video files from a camera. It turned out that I accidently turned off the built-in camera mic. I still have the separately recorded audio, but how am I supposed to synch it with the video when there is no audio? Of course the only way to do it is synch it visually, so the next couple of hours I was looking for the parts in which the stone was dropped and tried to match it with the separately recorded audio. After I finished I went to the kitched to have something to drink. My roommate was cooking something there. I looked at her suspiciously and well, there was definitely something wrong with her face. After a minute or so, finally I realised what it was and told her right away that she drew her eyebrows too high. She seemed surprised. : D Then I went back to my studio and succesfully finished editing. I know there are already quite a lot of ASMR videos in which zen gardens were used, so this is probably not the most original idea.However what I've noticed is that in most of these videos the sound is really poorly recorded. There is always either not enough amplification or too much background noise. Now after making this video I think I know what is the reason. If you want to nicely pick up the sound of racke running through the sand, you really need to crank the gain almost all the way up. Otherwise you will end up with a footage almost entirely deprived of sound - and this is not exactly what I'm looking for. Unfortunately increasing the gain so high will make the background noise very hard to remove. So, to make the long story short - I decided to leave the urge of completely removing the background noise in exchange for louder and crisper sound. Youtube introduced a new feature thanks to which my new videos are not showing up for some of my viewers. If you want to make sure that you won't miss any of my upcoming videos, you have to click that little bell next to the subscribe button and choose: ''Send me all notifications for this channel''. I don't really know what is wrong but recently Youtube has automatically unsubscribed me from some of the ASMR channels (including Heather Feather). I watch her videos quite often, so it really doesn't seem to make any sense. I hope that the bell will do the job and it's never going to happen again. Please don't forget to hit that thumbs up button if you enjoyed the video. Thanks. Audio: https://asmrsurgeaudio.bandcamp.com/releases Zen gardens and accessories: 1 : http://amzn.to/2gVMqxt 2: http://amzn.to/2hFnifk 3 : http://amzn.to/2hFsFeQ Mix of gemstones: http://amzn.to/2hJt25b Mix of gemstones 2: http://amzn.to/2hFC3MX Hematite: http://amzn.to/2hSivYy Goldstone: http://amzn.to/2hFus3j Agate: http://amzn.to/2gLZjqF Tiger's Eye: http://amzn.to/2hFKrvQ Tools: http://amzn.to/2gW2HT3 Artificial plants: http://amzn.to/2hSf58f http://amzn.to/2hFP3lw http://amzn.to/2hFJkwn My equipment: Mic 1: https://binauralenthusiast.com/ Mic 2: http://amzn.to/1NQIdSi Pair of mics 3: http://amzn.to/1U8Quou XLR cables: http://amzn.to/1U8QrsT Audio Interface: http://amzn.to/1U8QkgH Laptop with passive cooling for sound recording: http://amzn.to/1NQIrZD Recorder 1: http://amzn.to/1Xdth66 Recorder 2: http://amzn.to/1NHq4IR Camera 1: http://amzn.to/1NHqdfm Camera 2: http://amzn.to/1NQJ2KS Lens 1: http://amzn.to/1NQJ5GC Lens 2: http://amzn.to/1NHqBug Lens 3: http://amzn.to/2hxUJAG Stedicam: http://amzn.to/1NQJskk ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intro music by Chris Zabriske: http://chriszabriskie.com/ Licensed under CC BY license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/