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豚ばらが一番美味しくなる方法はどれか?BONIQの設定温度別の方法で検証。 English subtitles are in the video, also see below for Ingredients and more. ーーー 低温調理器「BONIQ」公式 製品サイト https://boniq.store/ 低温調理器「BONIQ」公式 低温調理レシピサイト https://boniq.jp/recipe/ 公式Instagram https://www.instagram.com/boniq.jp/ 公式Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BONIQ.JP/ 公式Twitter https://twitter.com/BoniqJp ーーー 豚ばらが一番美味しくなる方法はどれか? 以下4つの温度設定別にその仕上がりを比較実験し、検証する。 ① 80℃ 7hr ② 77℃ 8.5hr ③ 70℃ 15hr ④ 64℃ 24hr 【豚ばらの低温調理 温度比較実験】 https://boniq.jp/recipe/?p=3561 通常版(With MUSIC)はこちら https://youtu.be/yTISu2PxQe0 【当レシピの栄養素(豚ばら100gあたり目安)】 カロリー 386 kcal、糖質 0.1 g、タンパク質 14.2 g、脂質 36.5 g 【材料】 豚ばらブロック(1ブロック約200g) 《比較実験結果》 結論から言うと、どれもかなり美味しい!が、その違いを分析してみる。 ②の77℃で8時間半BONIQで調理した豚ばらのバランス感が秀逸。脂が程よく溶け落ちているので、脂と身のバランスが良く、そのままタレなどで食べるのに最適。 ①の80℃で7時間のものも、かなり良い出来だが、身の一部がやや繊維状になっていることからパサつく程ではないまでも、77℃と比較すると3℃の差がはっきり出た。 ③の70℃で15時間のものは、こんな豚ばら見たことがない!というほど脂も身も透き通っていて美しい。 脂がぷるぷるしていて甘く美味しいが、脂が溶け落ちていないのでそのまま食べると脂身が多すぎる。 表面をカリッと焼いて脂を落としながら香ばしく仕上げ、甘酸っぱいソースなどと合わせると間違いなく最高に違いない。 ④の64℃で24時間のも70℃のものと同じく脂も身も透き通っており、ぷりぷり。鮮やかな美しいピンク色に仕上がった。 味と食感の点では、見た目程は70℃のものとそこまで大きな違いは感じられなかった。 こちらもやはり70℃のものと同様、表面をカリッと焼いて脂を落としながら香ばしく仕上げるタイプの料理に向いている。 《作った感想》 豚ロースや豚ヒレは、どんな低温調理のレシピに従ってもそんなに温度差がなく、だいたい63℃前後で行われます。 しかし、豚ばらの場合は脂身が多く固いので、薄切りでない限り、長時間調理を行うことが必要ですが、その温度はレシピによってまちまちでした。 また、臭みが出るのか?脂は落ちるのか?など、低温調理で越えなければならないハードルがいくつかありました。 ここでは近所のお肉屋さんで購入した岩手県産岩中豚(220円/100g)を使いましたが、塩さえもせずそのままフリーザーバッグに入れて調理しても、全く臭みが出ませんでした。 おそらくこの豚が元々臭みがなく美味しいのもありますが、それにしても臭さがない。 きちんと美味しい豚を使えば下処理など何もせず、BONIQに投入するだけで良いなんて! 今回の比較実験で、そのままゆで豚として食べたいもの、表面の脂を溶かしながら焼き上げた方が良いもの、など設定温度によって用途の違いが見え、よりディープなBONIQの世界へと足を踏み入れられた気がしています。 Pork Ribs Sous Vide Comparing the temperature - Japanese Sous Vide Cooking. Which recipe makes the pork ribs the most delicious one? Verify by changing the temperature of BONIQ Sous Vide Cooker settings. Put the pork ribs in a freezer pack and vacuum seal without any seasonings nor preparation then cook with BONIQ Sous Vide Cooker until the pork ribs become tender as a bamboo skewer easily goes through the pork ribs. (Used 200g of pork ribs) The 4 different BONIQ settings are; 1; The temperature at 80 ℃, Cooking time for 7 hrs. 2; The temperature at 77 ℃, Cooking time for 8.5 hrs. 3; The temperature at 70 ℃, Cooking time for 15 hrs. 4; The temperature at 64 ℃, Cooking time for 24 hrs. Ingredient - 200g of pork ribs (1 block) As a result - As it turns out, all the recipes are very delicious but let’s analyze the differences. The pork ribs cooked with the recipe “No.2 (77 ℃ for 8.5 hrs.)“ have a supreme balance of fat and lean meat. Since fat is adequately removed, it is perfect to eat as it is with a dipping sauce of your choice. The recipe “No.1 (80 ℃ for 7 hrs.)” has also a good result but some part of the meat is dry and stingy comparing to the recipe “No.2”. Seems like there is a big difference in the temperature, “3℃”. Very amazed how beautiful the clear color of both fat and lean of the pork ribs cooked with the recipe “No.3 (70℃ for 15 hrs.)” is. The fat part is deliciously bouncing and sweet but since the fat has not melted down, maybe it's too fatty to eat as it is. However, if you sear the surface to remove the fat, for a crunchy finish, and serve with sour-sweet sauce, this will be a perfect pork rib treat! The pork ribs cooked with the recipe “No.4 (64 ℃ for 24 hrs.)” are just same as the one with the recipe “No.3 (70℃ for 15 hrs.)”, both fat and lean have a beautiful clear pink color and the texture was pleasantly bouncing. However, as for the taste and texture, there was no big difference with recipe “No.3” opposed to how they look. This one also, it's better to sear the surface before serving for a nice, crunchy finish. Comments - According to any recipe of sous vide cooking the usual temperature for pork loin or pork tenderloin is around 63 ℃. However, for pork ribs, unless it is a thinly sliced one, we need to cook for a quite long time since it's tough and also there are full of fat. The recommended temperature for pork ribs depends on each recipe. In addition, there were several questions like “Will there be a distinct smell of meat?" or “Can excess fat be removed?" and so on. This time, I used the Iwanaka pork from Iwate prefecture in Japan bought at a meat shop nearby and put the pork ribs directly in the freezer pack without even salting, but there was no distinct smell of meat. Maybe this pork had no smell and was delicious at first but even though, this perfect no distinct pig smell was amazing. It's kind of unbelievable that if the meat has a good quality, then you do get such amazing result, even without pretreatment, only cooking with BONIQ Sous Vide Cooker! After finishing all these recipes comparing the temperature, I could find which recipe suites to eat as it is and which recipe suites to sear the surface before eating, etc. I feel that I know more about the rich world of BONIQ Sous Vide cooking. ーーー お問い合わせ info@boniq.jp #豚ばらの低温調理 #低温調理 #ASMR #豚肉の低温調理 #TheBestPorkRibsSousVideRecipe